Grafikmetal - Best Albums of 2024 Book (PDF)

31,24 zł

This is the official Grafikmetal Best Albums of 2024 Digital Book. This mighty 380 page carefully crafted by hand and designed book (PDF) includes the top 240 album within 12 different styles of hard rock and metal including: black metal, folk/melodic death, doom metal, progessive metal, thrash metal, death metal, heavy metal, progressive rock, punk, industrial, stoner/grunge rock, and blues/jazz rock. This is a must have for rockers and metal heads and is a great way for you to support Grafikmetal as we contine to celebrate and give back to the community. And if you found value in this and believe it is worth more than what you paid, consider donating as a ton of work went in to this. Cheers! - Veer Von Wright